Neverwinter is an epic and beautiful new online persistent world created by Cryptic studios. Set foot inside of Forgotten Realm's; one of Dungeon's and Dragon's most beloved setting.
It is here that you can take on the role of human, dwarf, drow and tiefling and embark on memorable questing in this new free to play mmo. Let's discuss some interesting facts for this review.
1. Cryptic studios have been hard at work developing Neverwinter. This studio is no slouch when it comes to these types of games. The studio has developed other highly successful action rpg mmo's including: City of Heroes and Star Trek Online. When it comes to the rich lore of Dungeon's and Dragon's, Cryptic has stayed true to classic D&D, as they themselves are big fans originating from the pencil and paper and dice days.
2. Neverwinter mmo could be the best free mmorpg out there. The art design is lush and the world is not lacking on lore. The writers of Neverwinter online have over 20 years of material to work with, so the Forgotten Realm's backdrop will be teeming with life and depth. Cryptic has also paid homage to the Dungeon Master, giving players the tools to build their own dungeons, stories, and even add enemies; with the inclusion of The Foundry.
3. Neverwinter online launches at no cost. This keeps it competitive with other mmo's out there, and gives little reason to not download the game client and jump right in and give it a shot. It is an action packed MMO, with dungeons, vast exploration, and cities crafted as if they were living and breathing. Cryptic has also made it so that you can experience all that Neverwinter has to offer solo, or with friends.
4. One of the most unique aspects of Neverwinter is the development of what is called The Foundry. Cryptic has developed a tool that gives the power of dungeon creation in the hands of anyone savvy enough to tackle it. Players can build entire dungeons, castles, cities. They then can fill them with NPC's and enemies, and build their own adventures right into the set pieces. In essence Cryptic is giving players the power to be their own Dungeon Master. In addition to this, players can then share their creations and get them rated by other players.
5. There are many, many options when choosing a new mmo to play. Players should take the time to try out Neverwinter. Fans of fantasy lore will not be disappointed. The Dungeon's and Dragon universe is one of the richest and most detailed of all fantasy universes. It has a loyal and friendly community, eager to help newcomers in their quests across Forgotten Realms.
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